Traveling alone can be terrifying and it definitely takes some time to adjust. Without a doubt, you will have anxiety when you’ve landed in your destination and off the plane. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine! Traveling gives you the opportunity to grow as an individual and as a global citizen, so any opportunity to travel is a #blessed one.
So, whether you are or you will be traveling alone, that’s awesome! I understand the fear, hesitation and, yes, the anxiety, I’ve been there. Don’t let that stop you from enjoying your time abroad, especially when you’re alone! Traveling alone is the best. Your comfort level, communication, patience, budgeting and other skills needed when traveling all become amplified and improve. This is where you are truly tested and pushed to your limits, but those limits that held you back start to diminish. You’re growing.
Allowing Yourself to Grow Out of Your Comfort Zone
That’s one of the key things you take away when you travel alone, you grow. You learn so many life skills and you meet so many more people when you travel alone. You are almost forced to be more social, extroverted and more open to the people around you. I always suggest staying at a hostel because that’s where you will meet people doing the same thing you are doing! Hostels are a communal area and that’s the point, so you can meet other travelers.
Make New Friends!
Take advantage of hostels, especially when traveling alone. Make friends! Go out and have fun! You will want people with you as you explore a country you may not have been to. You never know, maybe the people you meet at the hostel have been the country you’re in and can show you all the hot spots! Meeting people from around the world changes your perspectives on life, career, political issues, injustices, etc. Friendships that span the globe is one of life’s greatest attributes and it’s a beautiful sense of global unity. You won’t regret breaking out of your comfort zone while abroad. #Trust
Do As You Please #TreatYoSelf
Plus another benefit of traveling alone is having your own itinerary! You can come and go as you please. Want to travel somewhere else? GO! You don’t have to wait for anybody, unless you’ve made friends at hostels then yay! You can plan trips with your new friends too! It’s really up to you and your overall plans, but the best kind of traveling is unplanned and unscripted. You have the freedom, so go for it. You create your own happiness, not anybody else. Do what you want, live your best life. #LYBL
As always, BE CAREFUL and BE SAFE! Whether you’re a man or a woman, you must always make smart decisions and to trust your gut. If you think walking down that dark alleyway at 3 am coming back from a bar or a club is a “good” idea, think again! Be smart. You’re alone in a country that may not speak your native tongue, have an embassy or a hospital within a reasonable distance. Recklessness will not be tolerated abroad, especially if the laws of the land are strict.
Regardless, traveling alone is a huge step toward independence and self-improvement. YOU make the most of your trip, not anyone else. You’re there for a short period of time and you should take advantage of the opportunities being presented to you. There will be many, I promise. Take a deep breath, then go.
Be smart. Be safe. Have fun.
About Our Contributor:
Drew is Adelante HQ’s Fall 2017 Social Media & Marketing intern and is currently a Public Relations major at Cal State Long Beach. He has participated in a youth exchange program in Dakar, Senegal and an international basketball tournament in Japan. One of his many traveling goals is to step foot on every continent on this big blue planet, and yes, even Antarctica.