
Interning Abroad after Graduation

Adelante Abroad
Interning abroad after graduation

Why Should You Intern Abroad after Graduation?

For most seniors, graduation is just around the corner, thank goodness. The instant panic of “What am I going to do now?” hits you real quick. You feel like you haven’t learned enough to step out into the “real world.” What happened to the confident junior who was so ready to graduate? Not here. You’re looking through job applications, ready to send in your mediocre resume, when all you want to do is try new things and do something adventurous before getting stuck at a 9 to 5 like the rest of your friends. Who wants to hire a recent graduate?


Interning abroad gives you the opportunity to work AND travel, it’s the best of both worlds. There are many benefits to interning abroad, especially after graduation. Pack up your things and do something for YOU. You’ve worked too hard these past four to five years not to treat yourself. You’re not just wondering around in a different country; you’re doing hands-on work and making use of that brand new degree.

Work Experience


An intern abroad means you’re going to be working part-time for a couple of days during the week. You finally have the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned these last few years and apply them to real situations. As an intern, you’re placed into the workforce without having the pressure of long-term commitment to the job, and you get to learn a little bit of everything. It’s the dating version of relationships, who would have known.

Internships give you the opportunity to learn what you didn’t have the chance to learn at school, or probably couldn’t learn from just going to school.  Hands-on experience is more fulfilling than sitting in a classroom, and you learn more about the work environment while adjusting to daily challenges and learning how to handle new situations. You’re no longer just “adulting” because you’re an adult (somewhat).

Future Employment


Future employers want to know that you’re capable of handling the work in your industry and keep yourself professional. The first thing they’re going to check on your resume is your past work experiences and for how long you were there. An article released by Psychology Today showed how 82 percent of hiring managers wanted to see a formally completed internship on resumes. They’re practically a necessity, and it’s a struggle for students to find internships nowadays because the demand for them is high.

If interning improves your chances of getting hired, can you imagine how good it looks when you’ve interned in another country? By completing an internship abroad, you’re exposing yourself to growth far outside your comfort zone. An internship abroad shows employers that you’re open to new things and have experienced a global perspective of the industry you’re working in. You’ve interacted with people from diverse backgrounds, and it makes you stand out. So many cookie points.

Taking Chances


When was the last time you tried something different or did something you’ve never done before? Think about it. As humans, we try to put ourselves into a routine because it feels safe. For once in your life, don’t place yourself into a routine.  When you’re abroad you don’t have a set routine; you have to learn how to adjust to the new culture and surroundings. It’s not a bad thing.



Travel. Travel. Travel. Everyone talks about how much they want to travel but they never actually do it. You don’t want to regret not visiting half of the world in your 20s. This is your chance! You might be working, but there is such thing as weekends.

As an intern, your work hours aren’t as intense, and you have more time to do things, things you weren’t able to do when you were going to school. Try new food. Oh, all of the good food you’ve seen in travel shows and movies where the main character is living their best life in a new country. The time to travel is now, so stop pushing it aside.



You’re finally out on your own. Experiencing the world without anything tying you down is fulfilling. It’s an incredible feeling. It might seem scary, being in a new place without your family or your friends. Trust me, you’ll make some new friends, and this new place will feel like home. Independence opens you up, and you learn more about yourself than you imagined.

You also get to learn what it’s like to work in an industry you’ve studied. Did you make the right choice? If not, you have the chance to learn what you do like to do. You become a lot more confident because you know yourself a more now. You’re basically having your own Eat Pray Love moment, and that’s fine.

Don’t doubt your capabilities. After graduating, grab your passport and explore the world, yourself, and the career you see yourself having in the future. It will have more of a positive impact on you than you realize.

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