Traveling to Sevilla with Adelante

Where do I start? Sevilla was absolutely beautiful! I’m grateful for the opportunities and experiences I’ve had here with Adelante Abroad since starting as an intern this summer. We explored Sevilla the way a candidate would experience traveling abroad and it was phenomenal! Unfortunately, time flies when you’re having fun. I can honestly say I left hoping that one day I’d be able to go back and become a candidate with Adelante. Sevilla is definitely the perfect destination to intern or study abroad!
The streets of Seville are filled with colors and the neighborhoods have fascinating architectural styles. It was mind-blowing! It would take a minute to sink in just how beautiful everything was from left to right. Every building, street, or business looked like it came from a perfect picture. From left to right, top to bottom, the view was breathtaking. Sevilla allows you to forget about all of your problems and be filled with wonder as you walk down the street.

Walking the Streets of Sevilla
I can’t express how fulfilling this experience was. Stepping outside of your comfort zone may sometimes be scary but in the end, you’ll be glad you did. Sometimes you have to go for it and it’s not every day that you get an opportunity to do so. Every day was a new adventure, to visit a new place and explore life in the streets of Sevilla. Getting around was extremely easy, walking distance was fairly 20 minutes or you could use the metro line that was not confusing at all, compared to LA and all the traffic.
Getting lost through the streets of Seville turned out to be the best adventures. Right around the corner from our apartment, there were many places to eat tapas and have a cold beer, and roughly with a 10-minute walk, you would be able to go the historical structures and wonderful places.

Sevillanos: Voted the Most Welcoming
Everyone in Seville is really kind and welcoming! Whether it was to go out to grab something to eat or explore the city, people would greet you and offer to help. One time as I stopped by the Plaza Jesús de la Pasión for some ice cream and crepes, the gentleman there began a very pleasant conversation and even offered some recommendations. Of course, the Spanish Institute team in Seville was beyond sweet and welcoming, as they showed us around some must-see sites of the city.

See You Soon, Sevilla
This experience was definitely one of a kind and of course one for the books! It opened my eyes and soul to more than I imagined (across the world to say the least). There’s so much to see and live outside of our daily routines and local destinations. Since there are days that we become so immune to what is happening around us, a quick breeze outside of our daily routines and comfort zone is necessary to appreciate the smaller things in life.

Written by Social Media Intern, Rosanna Ramirez
For me personally, the small things are what make you feel, live, think and understand new things. Because at the end of the day it’s those experiences and memories that you create that you will cherish in life. There’s a whole world outside of your window waiting to be explored! So thank you Adelante Abroad for this one in a lifetime experience and, Sevilla, I promise I’ll see you again soon!
If you’re interested in traveling and interning in Sevilla, check out the Sevilla page where you can find several sectors that are popular and more! Thinking about applying to intern abroad Spring 2019? It’s not too late!
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