Social Work Internships Abroad
Social Work Internship Programs
For those wanting to make a global impact and see a change in this world, an international social work internship may just be right for you. Read below and apply now to find out more about how you can make help make a difference on an international level.
Get involved in social work and build your resume abroad
This is a very broad field that cuts across many interests. Our Social Work interns typically will be working in a nonprofit organization setting. Placements are hands-on and rewarding. Because this sector is big and wide, first ask yourself: what do you see yourself doing ultimately? Working in a public school? Forming part of the treatment team for people with mental conditions, illnesses, or disabilities? Creating and administering programs or shaping policy? Is private practice among your goals or clinical social work?
Candidates placed in Social Work internships abroad work within both grassroots organizations and larger international non-profits, typically focusing on under-served populations, both local and immigrant. Candidates will be supervised by a practicing psychologist or psychiatrist or qualified social worker, so these program hours are often able to be counted towards social work accreditation and licensing.
Different sectors for this placement abroad are: immigrant rights, at-risk youth, health education, battered women, LGBTQ issues, drug rehabilitation, homelessness assistance, and many more.

Social Work Internship Locations