Why You Should Intern Abroad
Internships for the Independent Traveler
Published Findings, Studies & Surveys Are Demonstrating What We Already Know

The National Center for Education Statistics reported that 21.6% of U.S. undergraduate students are undecided about their college major. This percentage of undecided students is the largest among students, surpassing the percentage of students who have declared other academic majors (e.g. education, business). Supporting this finding, Gordon (2007) found that 75% of college students change their undergraduate major at least once, indicating that some college students experience difficulty declaring an academic major.

Academic indecision is an important consideration in higher education because there are many negative outcomes of academic indecision. From The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, (April 2016) the results revealed that a study abroad and intern abroad experience significantly impacts college students’ self-knowledge such as interests, values, and skills, and the capacity to relate self-knowledge to career options.

According to the Journal of International Education and Leadership (2015), studying abroad has long standing personal benefits for international students, such as intercultural learning, acceptance, and personal growth opportunities. Studying abroad in another country allows students to develop new skills and facilitate new relationships that could result in future professional and personal benefits. Learning the language and accumulating hands-on knowledge in the host country has shown to have a positive relationship to academic success. Overall, once international students return home they are more open to explore new cultures, careers, and organizations where they can utilize their new second language skills.

Benefits of studying abroad and interning abroad have included increased self-confidence (Black & Duhon, 2006; Chapman, 2011; Dwyer & Peters, 2004), independence (Black & Duhon, 2006), global competency (Dwyer & Chapman, 2004), open-mindedness and independence (Hadis, 2005), as well as general personal development and well-being (Kuh & Kauffmann, 1984). Studying abroad is also associated with gains in intellectual development, particularly among students with limited or no international experience prior to studying abroad (McKeown, 2009). “Knowing how to be sensitive to other cultures, and to learn from others, is essential.” (The PIE News) Additionally, in another study by the Canadian Center of Science and Education (2012), students that studied abroad reported significantly higher rates of perceived improvement across all learning outcomes after going abroad, suggesting that studying abroad is a worthwhile educational experience.
When you come home, you are more skilled and prepared for the real world.
Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of Study Abroad on 21st Century Skills & Career Prospects was released at the IIE Summit on Generation Study Abroad in Washington, DC and is based upon a survey of more than 4,500 individuals who participated in short-term mobility since the 1999-2000 academic year.
IIE identified 15 soft and hard skills rated as most desired by 21st century employers. The top five skills, with more than 70% of respondents saying their study abroad or intern abroad experience contributed to a significant degree of improvement, were intercultural skills, curiosity, flexibility/adaptability, confidence, and self-awareness. STEM graduates gained significant soft skills outside of their subject during study abroad, and it had a positive effect on their career. Among science majors that went on a program outside of the sciences, 47% reported their study abroad contributed to a job offer. Transferable skills such as “adaptability, emotional intelligence, the ability to listen, and language skills gained through study abroad” are integral to the future of the global workforce.
Findings also suggest that even among those who were not convinced that study abroad helped them land jobs, most believed that the experience helped them gain skills that have proved useful and relevant throughout their careers, particularly in positions that required communication and interpersonal skills.
We encourage students to list on their RESUMES and when speaking with parents, other students and certainly job prospect specific skills and competencies they acquired or improved while abroad, including:

The Institute of International Education Summit further released statistical findings that studying abroad has an overall positive long-term impact on career progression and promotion. More than half of survey respondents believe that studying abroad helped them get a job, and longer-term study abroad experiences had a higher impact on subsequent job offers (The PIE News). WOW! What are you waiting for?
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Gap Year opportunities for high school graduates, freshmen & sophomores
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