Semester study abroad in Seville

Semester Study Abroad in Seville, Spain

Semester Study Abroad in Seville, Spain – Fall & Spring Options

Adelante Abroad in partnership with a fully accredited Spanish University, offers multidisciplinary study courses, taught in Spanish or English, for Spring & Fall semesters.  For a semester study abroad program, you can choose up to 5 classes worth a total of 15 credit hours. Minimum GPA requirement to apply is 2.75. Our study abroad programs are perfect for students enrolled in universities, gap year students, or students taking a semester off/ not currently enrolled. 

Students can choose from a wide range of class choices, subdivided into three disciplines: International Business & CommunicationsScience & Technology (STEM), and Hispanic Studies. Hispanic studies include courses in Anthropology, Arts & Cinema, History, Literature, Political Science, Psychology, and Spanish Language & culture.

Students have the option to choose between beginner & advanced courses for a more customized program – especially note the Science courses, with a lab component in English (a first for a Spanish University), plus the newly added Psychology courses, too.

Seville Study Abroad Course List

Note: Some courses are only offered in either during Spring or Fall Semester. 

Program Pricing

  • Spring Semester$8,370
    January 24 - May 16, 2026
    Application Deadline: December 1st
  • Fall Semester$8,170
    September 13 - December 20, 2025
    Application Deadline: July 15th

Join the International Program at the fully accredited, public university – Universidad Pablo de Olavide – located in historic Seville, Spain. Established in 1997, this is one of the newest universities in the country. The campus is located on a 345 acre campus about 5 miles from the center of Seville, easily accessible by bus or metro. The university features modern facilities including a library, computer laboratories, cafes and indoor and outdoor sports facilities. As well as providing degree level education to Spanish students, the University welcomes people from around the world, offering a wide range of classes for international students of all Spanish levels.

NOTE: A student visa is required for the Spring and Fall Semester Programs. Adelante Abroad walks students through this process, providing the acceptance letter(s) needed to acquire a Student Visa from the Spanish Embassy or Consulate nearest you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's Included in Your Study Abroad Program

  • Up to 5 courses, 15 total credit hours.
  • Classes held Mondays through Thursdays – Fridays off!
  • Airport pickup. Once you arrive, you will be taken directly to your accommodation.
  • Sealed, fully transferable University Transcripts mailed at the end of each completed semester.
  • Lodging: with a Spanish family (two meals per day & laundry included) or independent living option, your own room in a shared apartment. (see FAQs for more info)
  • Come with a friend and live together during your time in Seville.
  • First day 3-hour Orientation including Welcome Reception on campus, and end of semester Farewell Reception.
  • Regular access to the Internet at the University computer labs — Free!
  • New library with extensive offerings plus computers, located on campus.
  • Sports ID and reduced Gym membership at complete Gym located on campus.
  • “Intercambios” with Spanish students: 1 hour of Spanish for 1 hour of English with local Spanish students.
  • 4 social events / excursions/ activities in and around Seville per Semester, included in cost.
  • English speaking Adelante staff is available to you 24/7!
What's Included
Sevilla Semester Study Abroad

Fun Excursions

Answer the following questions:
  • Are you an independent-minded individual?
  • Will you be 18 years of age or older by the time you begin your program?
  • Do you speak fluent English (This program is open to candidates worldwide)?
  • Do you desire the opportunity to live and work alongside local people abroad?
  • Are you flexible and open to situations outside of your comfort zone (i.e. public transportation, new environment, different customs, etc.)?
  • Are you looking for a program duration between 1 to 6 months?
If you answered YES to these questions, then this program is right for you!

For many programs, Spanish skills are required at least at a low-intermediate level, but placements can be found in some sectors for complete beginners (e.g. Teaching English). Certain fields may have specific requirements for prior experience or studies.

Our program works, for the right candidate, even if you haven’t yet begun your international travels. We’ll create a customized once-in-a-lifetime program for you!
Have Questions About the Program? Ask Us!

Application Process

The application deadline is 60-90 days prior to your chosen start date.

Late applications are accepted on a case by case basis and are subject to a $250 late fee.

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